Our Precious Moments

As my husband and I celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, we had to navigate being grateful in this very strange time. We all have many things to be grateful for. But many of us couldn’t be with our loved ones; things today are strange and different.

I was feeling pretty let down when it was decided that we couldn’t visit two of our adult children, their spouses and our four grandchildren in California because of Covid. It was a punch in the gut because we haven’t seen them in more than a year. We had a nice Zoom Thanksgiving, and we also do lots of Facetime. I’m very grateful for the technology that is now available enabling all of us to reach far and touch those we love.

But as I was going through my pity party, I re-read an article on the Daily OM website written by its founder, the talented Madisyn Taylor. Here are some snippets from her quote: “Honoring our memories and focusing on the ways our past experiences have blessed us can offer a richer awareness and appreciation for where we currently are in life. While we can relive happy memories and honor our experiences, we can’t go back and dwell in the past. Choosing to honor your memories and then move forward with hope and joy for the future will help you to feel more optimistic about your current circumstances today.”

I started to think about the many precious moments of my past – and began writing them down. And it gave me such a lift!

I’d like to give you the same opportunity. So here is a wonderful journaling exercise that will help you get in touch with what truly has given you joy in life, especially if you are feeling down about not being able to see your loved ones in person during this holiday season. Open a journal or notebook, take a pen and make a list of the precious moments you’ve had in life. You will feel so much better!

If you are having issues with fear, confidence or stress please reach out to me. I offer free telephone consultations and offering Zoom and phone coaching as well as hypnotherapy sessions. You can reach me from my website at https://belacoaching.com/contact/ or call me on my landline at 503-848-3640.

Sunday Love Notes Nov 29: Allow more peace, love and clarity

Dear Beautiful Be Inspired Community,

I hope that you are taking time for self-care, some introspection and fun. Here is my special love note to you.

            Allow more peace, calm , clarity and light

                     into your life by not

          watching, listening or reading the news for at least 5 days.

                   Will you join me in the challenge?

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday of health, love, and for a peaceful week ahead.

Sunday Love Notes Nov 29: How You React

Dear Beautiful Be Inspired Community,

I hope that you are taking time for self-care, some introspection and fun. Here is my special love note to you.

“Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how you react to it.” (Charles R. Swindoll)

In life, attitude is everything; it is what shapes our beliefs and desires.

Harsh times occur throughout our lives, but how we react is up to us.

How are you reacting?

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday of health, love, and for a peaceful week ahead.

Sending love and light,

Having Issues with Weight or Other Self-Sabotaging Behaviors?

Workshop for Women:

Having Issues with Weight or Other Self-Sabotaging Behaviors? Take a Diet from Negativity with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Third in a fourpart series-

It’s been said that our minds can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy. And what we feed our minds is directly linked to how we comfort and many times sabotage ourselves in negative ways, not only with overeating from stress, but with self-medicating with drugs or alcohol, procrastination or interpersonal conflict.

If you are interested in learning how you can take a diet from negativity with mindfulness and self-compassion, you won’t want to miss the third in a series of four workshops for women, “Live Your Best Life in 2019: Be Inspired,” offered by Bela Friedman, certified life coach and certified hypnotherapist.

“I’m excited to offer this third workshop where women can feel safe and comfortable, recognizing and sharing challenges and being inspired by other women,” Friedman said. The format is different for each workshop and includes conversation, journaling, guided visualization, meditation, energy work and more.

Workshops take place Saturdays, 1-3 pm. Two remaining workshops are:

  • Having issues with weight or other self-sabotaging behaviors? Take a diet from negativity with mindfulness and self-compassion. Nov. 10
  • Stressed and nervous about the holidays? Transform your life with an attitude of gratitude. Dec. 8

The remaining workshops take place at Friedman’s home in Beaverton on Saturdays, November 10 and December 8, from 1 pm – 3 pm, and offer a variety of creative strategies for change. The format is different for each workshop and includes sharing in conversation, journaling, guided visualization, energy work and more. Space is limited, so please RSVP early.

Cost for each workshop is $55. Former workshop attendees and clients receive a 10% discount. Payment is to be made in advance. Space is limited, so please RSVP early.

For reservations, payments, and information about location, contact Bela Friedman at 503-939-2269 or belafriedman@gmail.com.

New Series of Workshops for Women: “Live Your Best Life in 2019: Be Inspired!”

Are you feeling stuck in your life or job? Does it feel like something is missing from your life, but you don’t exactly know what it is? Or maybe you are having issues losing weight, or stressed and nervous about the holidays approaching?

If you can identify with one or all of these questions and you’re ready for a positive change in yourself, you won’t want to miss a new four-part series for women,“Live Your Best Life in 2019:  Be Inspired!”

“I’m excited to offer the series of workshops where women feel comfortable sharing challenges and being inspired by other women,” said Bela Friedman, certified life coach and certified hypnotherapist.

Workshops take place Saturdays, 1-3 pm. Themes and dates are:

    • Feeling stuck in your life or job?  Rewrite your script.  Oct. 13
    • Turning stumbling blocks to stepping stones.  Going with the flow. Oct. 27
    • Having issues with your weight?  Take a diet from negativity. Nov. 10
    • Stressed and nervous about the holidays? Transform your life with an attitude of gratitude. Dec. 8

Each workshop offers a variety of creative strategies for change. The format is different for each workshop and includes sharing and brainstorming ideas, journaling, guided visualization, meditation, energy work and more.

Participants are welcome to attend one workshop or the entire series.  Cost for each workshop is $55.  Or, if all four are purchased, the cost is $200 – a $20 savings.  Former workshop attendees and clients receive a 10% discount.  Payment is to be made in advance. Space is limited, so please RSVP early. 

Visit our events page to register!

Are you stuck? Rewrite your script!

I’ve known and worked with many people who are stuck or who have been stuck in their lives or careers – including myself.  

Being stuck in one’s life can go on for years and can be very frustrating. You can be stuck at home with your parents, stuck in an unloving or abusive relationship or marriage, with your children, in a job, in an unfulfilling business – really in any aspect of your life.

journal, journaling, scriptI’ve been stuck many times in my life, but what really stands out for me is when I was approaching my 60’s.  My father had died at 61 of a sudden heart attack and my mother at age 67 of ovarian cancer. I was grateful to make it to 66, but then really started getting worried and obsessed that I wouldn’t live past 67. I thought about it all the time.

Then one afternoon I was at my naturopath’s office for an unrelated issue and mentioned to her that I was very nervous about turning 67 – and that I may not make it!  She looked at me very seriously and with a very stern voice said, “You need to rewrite your script!”  

A lightbulb suddenly went off in my head, and I went home and rewrote my life’s script in my journal.  My attitude actually changed as I was writing that I would make it to the ripe old age of 95 and I felt so relieved. A few years later I read an incredible book, I’ve Decided to Live to be 120 Years by Ilchi Lee, that I highly recommend, and I changed my script age to 120. That has really changed my attitude to, “there is no stopping me now!”

Have you had an experience where you’ve been stuck?  In rewriting our scripts, we can learn how to re-frame the pieces of our past and re-envision our life stories from suffering to joy, from fear to faith, and can radically boost our chances of healing, empowerment, growth and transformation.

Journaling is an extremely powerful tool.

Journaling has emerged as an extremely powerful tool for bringing about positive life changes, clarifying personal and career goals, and identifying the actions that move you forward and into your flow, so that you can experience life the way you dream of living it.

Personal, informal writing in a journal, a diary, notebook or on a computer is the ultimate transformation tool.  In this writing there are no rules. There is no right or wrong. This writing is not for publication and its not anything that you have to share.  People who find writing “painful” say they appreciate the cathartic aspect of journaling.

Are you ready to rewrite your script?

Don’t Miss the Workshop: “How to Manifest Optimal Health with Vision Boards”

Create your own vision board for health, 1-3:30 pm, Saturday, June 16, at NW Naturopathic Medicine in Tigard

Do you dream about having optimal health? Do you talk about it, imagine it, but can’t seem to achieve it on your own?

If you’ve answered yes, you won’t want to miss an educational, insightful, hands-on, creative and fun workshop for individuals who are ready to take their health and wellness to the next level.

“How to Manifest Optimal Health with Vision Boards” takes place 1-3:30 pm, Saturday, June 16, at NW Naturopathic Medicine, 7000 SW Hampton, Suite 130, Tigard, Ore. 97223. The cost is $75 and includes all materials needed to make your own vision board. Healthy snacks will also be provided.

Workshop speakers/facilitators are Karen Davis, MS, certified nutrition specialist, and Bela Friedman, certified life coach and certified hypnotherapist.

Davis will provide the wellness portion of the workshop. Participants will learn the top five proven wellness tips that will help them stay on their path to optimal health.

“Achieving optimal health can be challenging without support,” says Davis. “And with all the myths and misinformation about diet, exercise and good health, it’s difficult to know what to do. Visualizing the new you is the first step.”

vision board, workshop, health, wellness, life coach, life coachingFriedman will guide participants on how to create a vision board that works. “A vision board is created with a collage of images and words representing people, events and things you want to bring into your life. They are powerful tools for goal setting and manifesting your heart’s true desires,” Friedman explains. The workshop will also include sharing in discussion, journaling, visualization and more.

Space is limited so please RSVP early. For more information about the workshop and to RSVP contact Karen Davis at 971-258-1968, or Bela Friedman at 503-848-3640.